Sunday, July 5, 2009
Teeth Whitening
Whitening, tooth enamel surfaces of the porous structure of the organic and inorganic substances, tooth whitening gel is colored with the resolution is a process.
Whitening process, comes into the porous enamel of the teeth and can not be removed by brushing the color is applied to. Structural disorder occurring during the formation of teeth and some antibiotics that are applied to groups of long-term use. A majority of cases this type of bleaching process is very successful.
In addition, the tooth surface, some food, cigarettes, tea, coffee colored, such as teeth whitening agents also The color paste is applied. Dental cleaning done if you are not satisfied with the color of your teeth in teeth whitening is done again.
Different colors require different treatment. Therefore, an application must be made on what type your dentist has to decide
Over time, the teeth start to yellow in the certain degree. Many of the frequently consumed tea, coffee, cigarettes and other things over time cause your teeth to change the color of yellow and are just a few of the factors. Inside the cigarette, tea, coffee, red wine, such as the amount of yellow depending on what causes unwanted changes in the appearance of your teeth will be.
Tooth whitening products are very different. Sold in the market and many products are used unconsciously by scientifically proven whitening effectiveness, side effects and stability is questionable. We suggest that you secure a permanent doctor to the teeth whitening process is that experienced.
Heart Attack
Get enough oxygen to the heart could not die of a heart attack (myocardial infarct) is called. We do our daily work, sometimes more than the heart sometimes needs less oxygen. Oxygen to the heart's own arteries that bring the coronary arteries. If a blockage or narrowing of the coronary arteries that the heart can not get enough oxygen, can not be fed. Dies of heart tissue can not be fed, the function becomes lost and can not pump blood. As a result table with a deadly heart attack occurs.
Had a heart attack in people instead of dead tissue is not new. An injury occurs İşlevsiz layer. So the damage of a heart attack damage is not irreversible.
Heart attack causes blockage of the coronary arteries is the most important reason "atheroskleroz" stop. Atheroskleroz, fatty deposits in the arteries of the means of living. High cholesterol in people who smoke and grow insidiously and timing of these deposits in the coronary arteries are completely clicked. As a result, corruption and nutrition of the heart heart attack occurs.
Young in heart attacks are very rare. Possible reasons are:
# Anywhere on the body, a blood clot to the coronary arteries get choked up, and suddenly
# Heart valve covers damage from the people of parts of the coronary arteries kopā to congestion
# Vasculitis, chronic diseases
# There may be reasons for cocaine use.
What are the Symptoms of a heart attack?
# Do not clear the exact position in the chest with a sense of compression is a pain.
# This can be spread to the jaw pain left, and coke
# Move to the pain increases, decreases, while resting, but it does. The pain lasts longer than half an hour.
Pain and nausea with # is a cold sweat.
Shortness of breath becomes #.
In some people symptoms can be very confidential. For example, diabetes patients do not hear almost no pain and shortness of breath and cold sweats just have complaints. Some patients with gastric ulcer or heart attack pankreatit pain pain can be confused, in favor of ulcers can be interpreted incorrectly.
What do you need?
When faced with these symptoms immediately to a place to sit down and rest and just try to reach a health organization. Ask for help by mobile phone you are out. Absolutely do not continue to come out to walk or stairway. To continue activities already because your heart can not receive oxygen will further enhance the demand for oxygen.
Recently as a heart attack was one or two times to understand the crisis of cough vigorously rhythm disorder was corrected claiming that publishes, but the effectiveness of such an approach could not be proven as yet.
Do I have to have a heart attack risk?
In terms of heart disease risk status arzeden are:
# Smoking
# Of blood lipids (cholesterol, triglyceride) is irregular
# Diabetes Disease
# Obesity
# 65 to be over the age
How many in your life if you have the above you so close to a heart attack. Do not be afraid, however, some of this risk is out of your own. For example, you can quit smoking. Following the recommendations of your doctor lipids and diabetes medications you regularly use. Regular exercise can increase your activity each day, and from most of this risk and you can zoom out.
Let's not forget the extra, regular exercise, once a month to match the carpet in the field and does not meet with friends. The spores are ready to practice as such does not irregular heart does not. Get help from an expert to suggest the regular sport.
Heart Attack,
Heart Attack Who
Friday, June 5, 2009
Migraine, mostly in attacks is a type of headache. Treatment is not assumed to turn into a migraine disease is sinusitis.
Change from 72 hours up to 4 hours of the attack, which may be long. People between the attacks themselves will feel completely normal, but the concern is in the next attack. The past, "just a headache type as the migraines, it in itself is considered as a neurological disease.
Migraine or severe pain is usually in the middle of violence and may prevent a person's normal activities, and people with migraine as well as close relatives can disrupt the quality of life. Back pain with shooting at the user or the pulse can be felt and can be placed next to a single head. Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound may accompany the headache.
Migraine, is common in women than men, 18.6% for women and men are seen at a rate of 6.5%. Been diagnosed by a physician for the work that 59% of migraine patients the proportion of female patients' a, 70% of men reached to that was observed.
Many people are in pain and other symptoms so severe that sleep in a dark room and just want to sleep. This will hinder the daily life. Whereas migraine drugs can be treated. Today, preventing or treating migraine in a large number of drugs are available.
Aura, migraine headaches with the vision disorder and / or sense, force the early period and is characterized by loss of balance. Her aura of migraine patients do not. In fact, aurasız migraine, auralı is more common than migraine.
Unusual aura of migraine in many people, a prominent early symptoms, and sometimes it is scary. Migraine can be several different auraları:
Auralar most common are visual impairment, the flashing lights, to see a large object (makropsi), to see small objects (mikropsi), zigzag shapes may prevent people from seeing the net. Some look like from inside auralarda tunnel vision or even loss of vision may be. More rarely, although sometimes his auralar reduction and speech, balance and power losses can be with. Many migraine patients with aura migraine pain to come in as a warning to tell you. Aura, but may take several minutes to an hour and with a headache is important. Symptoms disappeared, the aura "is deleted". Migraine pain usually begins after the aura is over 60 minutes.
Migraine surgery
Migraine, the most active sector of society most of the haze that is running is a disease. Cause loss of power, even taking the job must be light next to the grind. There are different forms and causes of the illness, her migraine patients until their fingerprints can draw a different table, but that does not fundamentally change a pain bezdirici.
Aesthetic surgery and a plastic surgeon like me to do with these issues is to ask with justification. Connectivity is completely caused by an accident. It is one of America's most recognized plastic surgeon Bahman Guyuron the "Get the stream" after surgery at a time of patients with migraine headaches are also differences in escape. Backward scan hundreds of patients and this is not an exception to that rule and received almost a strain to see the surgery treatment of this disease is flatly. Subject to a theory and becomes deeper and the treatment plan is an optional.
Theory follows: Migraine attacks are very shallow, just under the skin of the jam with some very fine sensory nerves emerge.
Natural treatment as follows: where the nerves are compressed will relax.
Have already taken to lift without the surgery that the difference. Get the muscles in the middle of the wrinkles in this operation is being loosened. In the meantime, this mention of the nerve is carefully extracted from the muscles that free. In this way, the 4 regions have experienced incarceration. Get one full start of the eyebrow where the middle and the other temples and the nape of the neck third. The last point in the nose.
Change from 72 hours up to 4 hours of the attack, which may be long. People between the attacks themselves will feel completely normal, but the concern is in the next attack. The past, "just a headache type as the migraines, it in itself is considered as a neurological disease.
Migraine or severe pain is usually in the middle of violence and may prevent a person's normal activities, and people with migraine as well as close relatives can disrupt the quality of life. Back pain with shooting at the user or the pulse can be felt and can be placed next to a single head. Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound may accompany the headache.
Migraine, is common in women than men, 18.6% for women and men are seen at a rate of 6.5%. Been diagnosed by a physician for the work that 59% of migraine patients the proportion of female patients' a, 70% of men reached to that was observed.
Many people are in pain and other symptoms so severe that sleep in a dark room and just want to sleep. This will hinder the daily life. Whereas migraine drugs can be treated. Today, preventing or treating migraine in a large number of drugs are available.
Aura, migraine headaches with the vision disorder and / or sense, force the early period and is characterized by loss of balance. Her aura of migraine patients do not. In fact, aurasız migraine, auralı is more common than migraine.
Unusual aura of migraine in many people, a prominent early symptoms, and sometimes it is scary. Migraine can be several different auraları:
Auralar most common are visual impairment, the flashing lights, to see a large object (makropsi), to see small objects (mikropsi), zigzag shapes may prevent people from seeing the net. Some look like from inside auralarda tunnel vision or even loss of vision may be. More rarely, although sometimes his auralar reduction and speech, balance and power losses can be with. Many migraine patients with aura migraine pain to come in as a warning to tell you. Aura, but may take several minutes to an hour and with a headache is important. Symptoms disappeared, the aura "is deleted". Migraine pain usually begins after the aura is over 60 minutes.
Migraine surgery
Migraine, the most active sector of society most of the haze that is running is a disease. Cause loss of power, even taking the job must be light next to the grind. There are different forms and causes of the illness, her migraine patients until their fingerprints can draw a different table, but that does not fundamentally change a pain bezdirici.
Aesthetic surgery and a plastic surgeon like me to do with these issues is to ask with justification. Connectivity is completely caused by an accident. It is one of America's most recognized plastic surgeon Bahman Guyuron the "Get the stream" after surgery at a time of patients with migraine headaches are also differences in escape. Backward scan hundreds of patients and this is not an exception to that rule and received almost a strain to see the surgery treatment of this disease is flatly. Subject to a theory and becomes deeper and the treatment plan is an optional.
Theory follows: Migraine attacks are very shallow, just under the skin of the jam with some very fine sensory nerves emerge.
Natural treatment as follows: where the nerves are compressed will relax.
Have already taken to lift without the surgery that the difference. Get the muscles in the middle of the wrinkles in this operation is being loosened. In the meantime, this mention of the nerve is carefully extracted from the muscles that free. In this way, the 4 regions have experienced incarceration. Get one full start of the eyebrow where the middle and the other temples and the nape of the neck third. The last point in the nose.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Food allergy is
What are Gastrointestinal allergy?
The food is the patient's sensitive stomach and intestinal disorders leading.
What are the symptoms of gastrointestinal allergy?
Burp, dizziness, vomiting to abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and even occur in the mouth sores.
Which is how nutrients are determined to cause allergies?
One or two days and then not getting any nutrients, a diet system, the food will be handled individually by apposition. Identify the nutrients, after touching the patient on this matter, it is missing from the food.
How to make the treatment of allergies Food?
The article does not eat any more a.Kendisine touch,
b.Bir in crisis, to alleviate the crisis, or other procedures required antihistaminik treatment using medications.
How long after you have received a food allergic reaction can show itself?
Allergic symptoms may show themselves immediately or within a few minutes. Sometimes it can go up a few hours later. In some cases this delay time may take up to about thirty six hours.
An allergic reaction to food is, this article will always mean allergy do?
This is not essential. A patient can bring about resistance to these substances.
Known to be sensitive to a patient by a food sensitivity is to measure should eat?
You get these nutrients, when a wise move if the reaction was not severe. However, patients in this way will make an experiment a small amount of these nutrients should be.
What is very common food allergies?
Many people are allergic to some food. But most of them are unaware of it.
Food allergies can cause death?
Food allergies may cause abdominal symptoms that may require surgical intervention?
Yes. Often a patient is really disturbing when the allergy foods, display symptoms of appendicitis or gall bladder disease to be diagnosed cause of.
The food is the patient's sensitive stomach and intestinal disorders leading.
What are the symptoms of gastrointestinal allergy?
Burp, dizziness, vomiting to abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and even occur in the mouth sores.
Which is how nutrients are determined to cause allergies?
One or two days and then not getting any nutrients, a diet system, the food will be handled individually by apposition. Identify the nutrients, after touching the patient on this matter, it is missing from the food.
How to make the treatment of allergies Food?
The article does not eat any more a.Kendisine touch,
b.Bir in crisis, to alleviate the crisis, or other procedures required antihistaminik treatment using medications.
How long after you have received a food allergic reaction can show itself?
Allergic symptoms may show themselves immediately or within a few minutes. Sometimes it can go up a few hours later. In some cases this delay time may take up to about thirty six hours.
An allergic reaction to food is, this article will always mean allergy do?
This is not essential. A patient can bring about resistance to these substances.
Known to be sensitive to a patient by a food sensitivity is to measure should eat?
You get these nutrients, when a wise move if the reaction was not severe. However, patients in this way will make an experiment a small amount of these nutrients should be.
What is very common food allergies?
Many people are allergic to some food. But most of them are unaware of it.
Food allergies can cause death?
Food allergies may cause abdominal symptoms that may require surgical intervention?
Yes. Often a patient is really disturbing when the allergy foods, display symptoms of appendicitis or gall bladder disease to be diagnosed cause of.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Thrush, Candida albicans is a fungal infection of the oral mucosa that the. "Thrush" in the name of the baby in the mouth are used for the infection in the mouth or throat of adults, but the place is used for the Candida infection.
Thrush symptoms
Mouth white, cream colored or yellow spots. Spots are a little upgrade. In general, pain is not under the macula. Slightly lower bleeding spots when it is starving. In the mouth and throat disorders in adults aphtha sense gives a transmitter. Difficulty is seen in cases of advanced swallow, esophageal infection spreads to the esophagus. When the baby milk em aphtha infection can pass to your mother.
Anti fungal drugs, for example nistatin, Fluconazole Diflucan, itraconazole or amphotericin B may be treated with.
Who is at risk?
* New born babies
* Installing the teeth from wear. Palate are not enough movement in the saliva and Candida infection occurs when a mixed variety of bacteria.
* Antibiyotik veya kimyasal tedavi tedavisi görenler. These factors will kill bacteria that keep Candida under control.
* Drug users.
* Worst of fed.
* Diabetes inhabitants. Candida albicans is replicated in a high glucose environment.
* Immune from failure of AIDS / HIV or who is immünosüpresyon.
* Post-tonsillectomy patients.
* Hormonal changes in women, for example, who are pregnant or birth control pill users.
* Dry mouth xerostomia ones. In this case, the balance of microorganisms in the mouth may be distorted, and Candida can multiply. Dry not a disease, is a result of various diseases or conditions.
* Oral sex from Vajiniti ones.
* Lung problems, lung disease, for example, for asthma or chronic obstrüktif treatment with cortisol. This group regularly risk after receiving a drug may be reduced by rinsing the mouth with water.
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