Friday, June 5, 2009


Migraine, mostly in attacks is a type of headache. Treatment is not assumed to turn into a migraine disease is sinusitis.
Change from 72 hours up to 4 hours of the attack, which may be long. People between the attacks themselves will feel completely normal, but the concern is in the next attack. The past, "just a headache type as the migraines, it in itself is considered as a neurological disease.
Migraine or severe pain is usually in the middle of violence and may prevent a person's normal activities, and people with migraine as well as close relatives can disrupt the quality of life. Back pain with shooting at the user or the pulse can be felt and can be placed next to a single head. Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound may accompany the headache.
Migraine, is common in women than men, 18.6% for women and men are seen at a rate of 6.5%. Been diagnosed by a physician for the work that 59% of migraine patients the proportion of female patients' a, 70% of men reached to that was observed.
Many people are in pain and other symptoms so severe that sleep in a dark room and just want to sleep. This will hinder the daily life. Whereas migraine drugs can be treated. Today, preventing or treating migraine in a large number of drugs are available.
Aura, migraine headaches with the vision disorder and / or sense, force the early period and is characterized by loss of balance. Her aura of migraine patients do not. In fact, aurasız migraine, auralı is more common than migraine.
Unusual aura of migraine in many people, a prominent early symptoms, and sometimes it is scary. Migraine can be several different auraları:
Auralar most common are visual impairment, the flashing lights, to see a large object (makropsi), to see small objects (mikropsi), zigzag shapes may prevent people from seeing the net. Some look like from inside auralarda tunnel vision or even loss of vision may be. More rarely, although sometimes his auralar reduction and speech, balance and power losses can be with. Many migraine patients with aura migraine pain to come in as a warning to tell you. Aura, but may take several minutes to an hour and with a headache is important. Symptoms disappeared, the aura "is deleted". Migraine pain usually begins after the aura is over 60 minutes.
Migraine surgery
Migraine, the most active sector of society most of the haze that is running is a disease. Cause loss of power, even taking the job must be light next to the grind. There are different forms and causes of the illness, her migraine patients until their fingerprints can draw a different table, but that does not fundamentally change a pain bezdirici.
Aesthetic surgery and a plastic surgeon like me to do with these issues is to ask with justification. Connectivity is completely caused by an accident. It is one of America's most recognized plastic surgeon Bahman Guyuron the "Get the stream" after surgery at a time of patients with migraine headaches are also differences in escape. Backward scan hundreds of patients and this is not an exception to that rule and received almost a strain to see the surgery treatment of this disease is flatly. Subject to a theory and becomes deeper and the treatment plan is an optional.
Theory follows: Migraine attacks are very shallow, just under the skin of the jam with some very fine sensory nerves emerge.
Natural treatment as follows: where the nerves are compressed will relax.
Have already taken to lift without the surgery that the difference. Get the muscles in the middle of the wrinkles in this operation is being loosened. In the meantime, this mention of the nerve is carefully extracted from the muscles that free. In this way, the 4 regions have experienced incarceration. Get one full start of the eyebrow where the middle and the other temples and the nape of the neck third. The last point in the nose.