Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hanta Virus

Hanta virus is a virus bunyaviridae family. This virus is found in the group 7: bunyavirüs, phlebovirüs, nairovirüs, tospovirüs, orthobunyavirüs, unclassified bunyavirüs and hantavirüs.
Dr Hantavirüs name. Lee Ho-Wang by Hantaan virus (Korean Kanamalı fire causing virus) is isolated from the Hantan River. The disease associated with Hantaan virus Kanamalı Korea fire (not used now) or has been adopted by the World Health Organization with the name is called renal syndrome Kanamalı fire.
What is infected:
Cotton rat-a hanta virus carriers and Sigmodon hispidus in cities for people in rural areas and will constitute a hazard.
Through various types of rodent-Hantavirüs moved. Diseases of the infected feces of diseased kemirgenler, is through direct contact with urine or saliva or feces of the diseased kemirgenler, urine or saliva left by the air occurs.
People do not get in-Hantavirüs people.
Headache, mild fever, skin bleeding, chills, and one-third of patients do not have symptoms.
Triggering of the disease:
Lung disease, acute renal failure, or hemorrhagic fever.
Mice of the people of the hanta virus, there is no definitive treatment. Unable to recover a large part of carrying the virus. The scientists work to develop vaccines against this virus is continuing.
Incubation period:
The virus incubation period is 12 to 21 days.
-Mouse and (especially in the fields of workers vole) should be far away.
-Mouse to use with gloves and a mask when working in the environment (mouthpiece) is required to wear.
If there is no doubt the first-infection as your body is likely to make contact with this virus and disinfected as soon as the doctor must contact the.

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