Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teeth Grinding

Bruksizm, tooth grinding usually occur during sleep caused by the powerful jaws of the clamp jaw movements, teeth grinding is the case. Are common in our society.
Generally, individuals with this habit it is unaware. What are the reasons to gnash your teeth? Various opinions about the reasons to gnash teeth Bruksizmin are formed. Some researchers in the closing relations between buruksizmin teeth are caused by corruption, and some central nervous system is the cause of a disease for two reasons that some researchers, including a multi-faceted problem that is put forward.
Between emotional stress and all the most important factors causing stress bruksizmin it is in the consensus. First symptoms of stress in our body, we have seen are where the mouth tissue. Create and cause stress and bruksizmin increase the severity of the event is determined as the most important factor.
Excessive nervous, sensitive, fastidious to have a structure
The arrangement of teeth and sorted Malokluzyon disorders
And tissues in the mouth to gnash your teeth what kind of results will create discomfort and symptoms What?
Abrasion on the face of a breach of the teeth: the teeth as a result of friction with one another, all the teeth wear, especially the front teeth can be covered is more effective.
Fracture in teeth: teeth are a result of squeezing and grinding of teeth protruding front teeth back in the corner portion is formed in the micro-cracks. These cracks grow over time can not be determined by X-rays of the teeth causes broken.
Extreme sensitivity in the teeth: usually develops sensitivity to cold.
Gum the rest of the attracted to and often however the tooth's neck in the gingival level of indentation in the shape of wear: This situation resulted in creation as a progressive age-related gingival withdrawal or excessive pressure by applying the tooth brushing is shown, the bruksizm disease in teeth such in formation to cause should be known .
Sway in the teeth: Years of loose teeth as a result of grinding will begin to shake. Excessive pressure can cause the loss of teeth spare bone support. To remedy this situation close to the roots of teeth protrude extra bone will develop.
Irritation in cheek: Especially the teeth touch each other, close to the closing line, the line inside of the cheek or a formation of fibrous swelling occurs in the form. This formation often because of the "cheek biting" incidents are compared to.
Muscle pain: temporal and cheek regions, especially the muscles in these areas over-run can lead to muscle pain.
Headaches: When the above-mentioned muscle pain itself shows in the form of headache.
Pain in the jaw joints: jaw joint pain in the joints because of the overload, crackle, and may be the clamp.
Since the beginning of these symptoms occurs immediately teeth gnashing. According to the severity and duration of the event can be seen, sometimes years later. Almost all of the symptoms may not be one. Sometimes it may show very few symptoms.
Stress therapy
Provider to sleep measures,
Muscle relaxing drug application,
Dental fillings and coatings for Incorrect renewal of,
For the replacement of missing teeth prosthesis applications.
The purpose of the treatment of teeth in the jaw joints to prevent permanent damage may occur and to eliminate the pain
The dentist applied by, sleeping during the tooth contact with each other in order to prevent the upper and lower jaw and teeth are placed between the use of the "guardian of the night", to gnash your teeth in the symptomatic treatment is the most important tools. However, most of the night alone is sufficient protective.
Therefore, according to the table the night of the illness exhibit alongside some additional protective treatment must be applied to.

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